Thursday 7 December 2017



SkyHelp is a Danish company with headquarters in Aarhus, where we work every day to make life easier for you as an airline. We help the legal when the flight is either delayed, canceled or overbooked. Since we have handled many compensation cases, we know what it takes to get compensation from airlines, which may otherwise be difficult to handle. We are experts in the field and know the rules that make the basis for a replacement.

What do we get from it?

At SkyHelp, we only receive a payment for our work if we win your case and you have received your compensation. In addition, we take the market's lowest price for our service, as we are only honored with 20% + VAT of the total compensation. Other companies often take 25% + VAT for the same service.

Our purpose is to make it easier for you

Communication with airline companies can often be difficult and difficult to handle for you as an individual, as the airline will often refuse your claim for reasons such as "weather conditions", "unusual circumstances" or anything else. At SkyHelp, we have made it easy for you, simply completing our simple form, after which we will contact the airline and take all the legal dialogue.

It can be a long battle, but usually we can pay the compensation to your account within 2-10 weeks. We are proud to have Denmark's fastest case processing.

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